Thu, 31 May 2012

GSG continues to recognise outstanding service by its staff either through nomination or recognition of significant incident reports.

We are pleased to announce that  GOLD AWARD's have recognised several staff over April and May.


During a night patrol on one of our north west sites Security Officer Hunter POI noticed some rigging harness equipment that may have been compromised and made the appropriate report. The matter was followed up and Hunter received thanks for his observations that will enhance the safety of operations during the day.

Hunter will receive a $100 voucher for his astute observations and commitment to safety.

Continuous Improvement

Frank VIDOVICH from one of north west sites observed a need to provide a safe footway passage for staff operating from the gatehouse.

Frank spend some time assessing the requirements and then worked to find a solution. He produced some excellent handy work to recyle some matting by measuring, cutting and fitting to requirements to provide a clear and safe passage for security staff. This will be especially helpful during rainy conditions.

Well done and thank you Frank! Frank will receive a $100 gift voucher for his time and effort in securing the Continuous Improvement Award.

Outstanding Performance

Recently whilst on a returning flight from site a passenger became ill. Tim O'CONNOR, one of the GSG Emergency Services Paramedics attended to the patient whilst on the flight through through to handover to medical staff at Perth Airport. Tim was praised for his care by both the patient and the flight crew who were especially appreciative of Tim's efforts. Other staff on board the aircraft commented on Tim's professionalism and abilities. Tim received a $100 gift card that he chose to graciously donate to a charity of his choice. 


Security Staff at one of our south west sites were recently involved in the successful identification and apprehension of unauthorised persons on site. Security Officers STONES, OLD and MUNRO are congratulated on their award of a $100 gift card for outstanding performance as described in the following report;


Our staff  are forever chasing unauthorised people trespassing on site over the weekend on motorbikes or 4WD vehicles. Most of the time they get away, but this incident is one for the good guys!


Some trail bikes were seen & heard on site on a Sunday afternoon and Security Officers Colin STONES, Daniel OLD & George MUNRO coordinated communications between themselves in a timely manner to alert the local police so they could attend site. Daniel & George followed the trail bikes in the security vehicle to an area on site and located some private vehicles where they took some photographic evidence to provide Police with on arrival.  


When the police arrived on site they met security officers at the main access point and were escorted to the area where the vehicles & trail bikes were located. The police and security officers waited for them to return to their vehicles and when they did they had their personal details taken and some video evidence also for purposes of summonsing them to court.


Overall the involvement of Security Officers STONES, OLD and MUNRO has definitely assisted our client in their attempts to prosecute the trespassers. Well done team!













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